Brain Gunk v1

Keyboard & Mouse Controls Only

This is the first build of this project, including the one level and the minimum amount of content required to trigger a win-state. So far, the level is only filled with the most basic of grey-boxing that I've modeled. More to come, so stay tuned!

Most of the code is adapted from Chapters 2, 8, and 9 from Unity In Action by Joseph Hocking, though the interaction logic is mostly adapted from #2 FPS Raycast Interactions: Let's Make a First Person Game in Unity! by Natty GameDev on YouTube. There's also some additional code for displaying the console on the screen by derHugo on StackOverflow.


  • Get the gears spinning again!


  • WASD - Movement
  • Mouse - Look Rotation
  • E - Interact
  • Space - Jump


How to Clear:

  • Open the spawn chamber and head out into the main room.
  • Collect the blue sphere.
  • Approach the gears and interact with them to clear the goo.
  • Climb the scaffolding and press the red button to get the gears spinning again.


I was having a hard time trying to come up with something to make my first actual game. I'm a bit of an over-achiever in this regard because it isn't enough for me to just copy some existing game—I had to come up with something "original". 

So what better way to clear my brain than to make it the "story" of my first game? You find yourself in an abandoned facility and are tasked with clearing it of its gunk and getting it back up and running again. After you complete the final objective, it's revealed that you've been working to improve your own mental health by getting things done and making progress—in your own brain.

Level 1 Concept Art
Concept art sketches for the first level.


BrainGunk_v1.unitypackage 3 MB

Install instructions

  • Unity 2022.3.13f1
  • Uses DOTween by Demigant

Development log


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minor issue: after reaching the current win-state it's possible to floor clip through the gears and freefall into the void below.

yeah I came across that in testing. the final models will negate that issue. but thanks for taking a look at my work!