I dont know why the dialogue is failing in the intro scene. It works fine in the editor. Ive tried debugging, but I cant find the issue. Dont talk to NPCs in the intro scene to avoid the issue.

My Game Design Document is viewable here: Google Docs

Herein lies my attempt for PirateSoftware's Game Jam (#15).

I say "attempt" because I admittedly bit off way more than I could chew...

I have a lot of attributions as to why this happened:

  • The scope was far too large for just myself.
    • While I picked a 2D game to intentionally limit scope, I also chose to go with an adventure game with quite a large scale. I wasnt able to bang out all the necessary systems to allow me to prototype the gameplay fast enough.
  • Singleton managers and handling the player logic
    • Because I was going to need to transition between mutliple scenes, I made all my game managers instantiate at startup and get passed around scenes as they go.
    • I had the player prefab be instantiated each scene instead of persisting throughout, and came into trouble when it came time to teleport the player to specific locations within scenes.
    • I think I would have needed to implement something akin to this solution I found on the Unity discussion forums: https://discussions.unity.com/t/how-to-change-transform-position-after-loadscene...
  • Tile Palettes and Pixel Art
    • While I chose to go with a 2D game to avoid the headaches of 3D vector math, I think my discomfort with pixel art was perhaps a bottleneck I did not expect to be so limiting.
    • My preferred art style involves making 3D models and texturing them in a 3D environment. Making the tile palette for the first area was a pain and I think I'd rather try to go through with something 3D instead next time.
  • The dialogue and persisting variables across Ink stories

BUT, I've learned a lot. And even though the product of my labor is barely "playable", I'm okay with putting it out there because to keep it to myself would seem like more of a waste of these last couple of weeks than anything else.

The prototype is still technically "playable" though:

Use WASD to move, E to interact, F to talk to NPCs, and the Mouse and left click to click dialogue choices.

View the GDD linked above to see licenses and attributions!

Code viewable here: https://github.com/afenkurtz/PirateSoftJam_15_temp

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